At the end of summer I purchased my first vehicle in my name alone. This is my first vehicle to have a back-up camera and digital display. It is necessary to have a view of what is behind you in order to back the vehicle into a position where you can drive in the direction you want to go. But having learned to drive a long time ago, I still turn to look behind me and use my side and rear view mirrors for all angles of view. I don't know if I'll ever get used to having or using that back-up camera, but I'm glad I have the option.
"Reflection. Looking back so that the view looking forward is even clearer." ~Unknown
Looking back is something most of us do at the end of a year or the beginning of the next. We look back at our past resolutions and goals to determine our level of success in reaching them. We reflect on the exceptional experiences we have had as well as the not so exceptional.
One of my favorite quotes is "We do not learn from experience...we learn from reflecting on experience." ~John Dewey. I have decided that I need to reflect on my experiences more consistently than I have in the past. REFLECT will be my #oneword2023.
Reflect: verb, 1. (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it; (of a mirror or shiny surface) show an image of; embody, or represent (something) in a faithful or appropriate way. 2. think deeply or carefully about. 3. (of an action or situation) bring credit or discredit to the relevant parties.
I hope to reflect through my daily writing; to reflect on my day, my teaching, my relationships with students and other educators. Looking back and thinking deeply about them in order to continue in the direction that I want to go as an educator. I also want to reflect on my home, my family, and personal friendships. Looking back in order to redirect and balance my personal life.
And lastly I want to reflect, or represent in a faithful or appropriate way, the light of Christ in me. I want others to be able to recognize the difference He has made, and continues to make in my life on a daily basis.
What is your #oneword ?