Friday, May 31, 2019

Falling in Love with Books

"Mrs. Isham! I just fell in love with one of your books!"  Nothing sounds sweeter to a Reading Teacher's ears!

I would love more than anything to create the perfect parameters to repeat that scenario over and over again on a daily basis.  What was present in this instance that was the catalyst that brought about this type of reaction in my student?

Lots of books. A wide variety of genres, authors, and reading levels.

Free choice.  Students allowed to self-select the books they wanted to read.

Time to read.  Time during school for students to get lost in a book.

Model reader.  A teacher that models an active reading life.  This year, as I have every year, I read aloud to my students.  When students are reading in my class, I am also reading.  I have also started posting the covers of the books I am currently reading outside my classroom door. 

When I finish a book, the cover is moved to the cabinet door inside my classroom, which is a running list of books that I have read this year.  I have also posted a reading goal of how many books I want to read this year.

I will continue to provide my students with large library of books, free book choice, time to read, and a model reader in myself.

My goal for my students is for them to become life-long readers.  What better way to do that than to fall in love with books?